Recent content by bighelp

  1. B

    facebook images

    I think too many people put pictures up that come back to haunt them later, like the teachers or other professionals that end up having to delete an account because of something that ties them as a real person but in a bad light when it comes to their profession. Is it lack of bad taste or...
  2. B

    always with the bad food

    I think we get too wrapped up in what we are doing and sometimes look to fast food as the easy way out. I have even started to cut out places like Subway that have good food just to get out of the habit of stopping somewhere rather than cooking my own.
  3. B

    Buying used appliances

    Would you do it? We need a new fridge and brand new some of them cost a few grand, its something we can not spend right now at least that much right now.
  4. B

    Your children's opinions

    We have never ran into that issue but it is something I wish more people would think about before hand. I know one lady who has 6 kids right now and her oldest is about 23 with a kid already (following in mothers footsteps). Most of her younger kids are already trying to get out of the house and...
  5. B

    Taking advantage of your friendship

    Every once in a while I have that problem too but a gamer friend of ours is someone who is a vendor for a large computer company. Every now and then we hear "Do you need a new monitor". That gets old, quick!
  6. B

    Sick of Tebomania

    You know I am not really into that who sports deal but I am tired of hearing about it too, my niece is shattered by it. Its sports, it happened, get over it already.
  7. B

    Storm grates

    I just caught a news clip of a town that has a new theft going on, people are stealing the storm grates on the side of the road. Who would do such a thing and why?
  8. B

    Like your own father?

    I think I have both good and bad traits from both parents but with my father I do end up upsetting my better half when it comes to me needing my own time out. That time when you bicker so much you just have to walk away for a few minutes to clear your head and get your thoughts straight.
  9. B

    Gender Preference

    I never had one myself but I know a few who did and boy did it drive them crazy when they decided to not find out until the day of birth. I could not imagine trying to wait that long to find something out!
  10. B

    Multiple Jobs

    We both have a main job along with a side job, and each always take up too much time. That is just the way it has to be now, with so many prices too high to deal with as a single parent working I doubt we will see the age of the 50's coming back. One parent works and the other is at home with...
  11. B

    SuperBowl picks

    I do not have any, just going to need to wait and see just like most years. We are not really into sports in this house. I mean we play in the yard and all, but not enough to follow who is who and what is what.
  12. B

    Not a lot of help

    Why do you not take the chance to start one up in your local area? I am sure other fathers would appreciate it too. And Paul, its not every time but many times it happens that way. I know three single moms who all became the weekend parent and only due to the lack of funds needed for a good...
  13. B

    A tendency to long life

    I think we need to laugh more as a set of people, I mean I see people all the time who complain about life but why not just enjoy it and roll with the punches. Ever notice how negative people tend to have more health issues? Its just a thought. :)
  14. B


    How many fathers here are on a diet? I am not but I am trying to watch what I eat. It seems we both let work and stress get the better of us in the past few years and we are working to change it. Any tips from those who have been there already?
  15. B

    Gyms vs. Home Workouts

    I workout in the privacy of my own home which I like, no fees & no distractions. I am thankful that we have a spare room to put the equipment in too. It comes in handy, just my stuff and a radio for some back noise and I am set to go.