Recent content by CuriousJ

  1. C

    Thinking of going back to school

    I would only do it if you are financially stable and have a steady income now and for the duration of the course. It's not worth getting into debt with the economy being in the state it is in currently.
  2. C

    Different for single mothers?

    I think that being a single parent is harder for a man than it is for a woman; primarily because of how society tends to sympathize with single mothers far more than single fathers. It's pretty obvious that, for instance, the media pays far more attention to single mothers than single fathers...
  3. C

    Son and His Friend

    I agree with BigPapa. The father being a drug dealer doesn't necessarily mean that the son will follow in his footsteps or even be anything like his father. I would consider inviting the kid over and talking to him to get an idea of what he's like before jumping to conclusions.
  4. C

    How To Trust Again?

    I know you might not want to hear this, especially when you're in a situation like this, but at the end of the day it's just money... pieces of paper. If I was in your shoes, I'd be happy my wife overspent instead of cheating on me. I recommend talking to her and trying to understand why...
  5. C

    when kids break things

    Let them break things I say. A part of being a kid is exploring and experimenting. Some kids do this by breaking things, others do it in other ways. No matter how they do it though, I feel it is a part of their childhood and the freedom that comes with it.
  6. C

    Playing console games with your son

    It's funny you should bring this up. My dad and I used to love playing on the SNES we had. We used to play Madden for hours straight on that thing. I used to be way better at games then than I am now, and managed to always beat my dad. From my own personal experience, I can say that it's...