Recent content by Dan

  1. D

    New curriculum?

    I have no idea. I can't imagine the teacher walking from student to student all day. We'll have to see. I said the same thing! It's certainly going to be an interesting year. I see many parent teacher conferences and group bull sessions in my future.
  2. D

    Is washing the dishes an appropriate chore for an eight year old?

    I don't have a problem with him washing them but I doubt they're very clean and I don't think punishing him is appropriate. Have you tried talking to your dad?
  3. D


    I don't think even a judge would send him to juvie the first time he was picked up by the cops. I think having him picked up by the cops would safe both of you a lot of problems down the line. Hopefully it would straighten him out.
  4. D

    My garden went Caput!

    Yeah, my wife is running into the same problem. She got all excited when we finally got rain that it didn't occur to her that we might end up with too much. There's always next year.
  5. D

    Too much rain

    I'm glad for the rain, hopefully it's in time to save a lot of crops around here and keep prices down. It does make traffic horrendous though.
  6. D

    What to do if you feel the mother's punishment is too harsh?

    This is a tough one for our house. My wife has no problem overruling me if she thinks I punish them too harshly but when it's her I can't. We usually argue about it after the kids are asleep.
  7. D

    How much time?

    Since I'm not home during the day I have no idea what my wife lets them do. I know that in the evenings and on weekends they really don't have the time to play but I do restrict it.
  8. D

    Pictures on Christmas Cards

    My wife is already planning how and where we'll do the family picture to be put on Christmas cards. I'd rather just us a shot from vacation rather than a (stressful) posed Christmas picture. Any opinions?
  9. D

    Those little things

    There were days when I was just thankful the kids were all in one piece when I got home! What surprises me now is when she goes out of her way to help my family.
  10. D

    Daughter caught her first baseball

    What annoys me are the parents that go to every single thing for years and years. At some point your kid can go to practice by themselves and would probably prefer it.
  11. D

    What do you do when you find out your kid is kind of a jerk?

    You should probably spend some time with them and find out what's really going on. Maybe they're friends with a bunch of jerks and are going along to get along.
  12. D

    Who here would disown their children...

    No I wouldn't disown them. I understand why some fathers do and I feel sorry for them and sorry for their kids but that wouldn't happen in my house.
  13. D


    I'm from a Colts family and my wife is from a Steeler's family so I definitely do influence my children! I do not want them wearing black and gold during the season. :(
  14. D

    pets and kids

    We only get pets that can be put in cages because I and my kids are allergic but that doesn't stop my wife from buying pets all the time. She grew up with a cat so it's been difficult for her not to be able to have one.
  15. D

    Would you treat you son with Growth Hormone therapy?

    I don't think they'd prescribe a growth hormone unless his bone age was very different than his actual age. HGHs have been around for over 30 years so they're pretty safe.