Recent content by Jerry F

  1. J

    What About Scouts?

    My youngest has been thinking of joining the Boy Scouts this year so we can go on camping trips and have some activities during the summer since this group stays active all year long. I was never in the Scouts so I don't know what it's like, just what I've read and heard. Is it a good idea? If...
  2. J


    We are going to try container gardening since we don't have any room to really have a garden. We have a porch though, so we are going to have several tomato plants anyway. I'm thinking of making a hanging cucumber plant to have a few cukes to eat. I love fresh ones!
  3. J

    Does It Seem Like Kids Are Older Now?

    I know times are very different from when I grew up, but do you think kids are growing up faster now? I don't mean physically, I mean mentally and their actions. I know music and movies have promoted this but it seems like they don't even get to have a childhood now.
  4. J

    Daddy's Little Girls

    I can identify with that. I wasn't the prize pig at the fair when I was a teenager. :P I'm sure I made a lot of fathers very nervous during my teen dating days. Now, when someone wants to date my daughter, they better be polite and hands off because I know all of the tricks that teen boys use.
  5. J

    Kids' pictures?

    We do the same as Salazar. Our family is pretty much able to access the pics but otherwise, strangers can't. It's very important to set your privacy permissions to be selective.
  6. J

    Tricky Situation

    In my book, a kid is a kid. I don't make any difference in our blended family. I love my step son as much as I do my son and it's all the same to me. I love both of them very much. I have seen some people though, who cannot do the same.
  7. J

    Situation In Lybia

    I've heard a lot of this situation that is developing in Lybia. I am afraid our troops are going to be spread even thinner than they already are and we are going to be footing the bill for yet another war. I really don't know if it's getting to the point we are going to have to stay there or...
  8. J

    Adult Child

    That's a bad situation, especially if she is responsible for him. Ummm, If it were my child, I think I would force them into rehab since he isn't quite back to where he was before. You have to be careful with kids who have had brain damage. Sometimes they have a hair trigger and you never know...
  9. J


    You may be letting them get by with it unconsciously. Do you make them separate when they've been fighting? I usually will send everyone to their rooms for a bit until everyone has calmed down a little. It can really be hard being the one there all of the time. They tend not to listen to you if...
  10. J

    Where to Bio Dads go for Support?

    It's a rough thing to do. You really have to have a lot of patience and be able to let go of a bunch of feelings. I wish you luck though. I know I had the best step-dad in the world but there are a lot of families who never get it together.
  11. J

    Want to know ahead of time?

    We've always known. I don't even think we thought of any other way. When they did the 3d ultrasound they didn't ask if we wanted to know or not, they just told us.
  12. J

    Grill Recipes

    Sounds good! I think I will try this one out. We love chicken on the grill anyway so this will be a good addition to our recipe file. I think wild rice would taste good with this since it would give a nutty flavor to the dish.
  13. J

    Brother being mean

    I agree with KrazyRon, this is something you have to figure out on your own. Your family's situation may be different than mine. It's really something you have to work out between the two of us.
  14. J

    Rainy Days and Snotty Noses

    My kids all woke up with snotty noses and coughs this morning. To beat it all it's rained all day long with them changing classes between trailers since the classrooms are all overcrowded. I am predicting some fever tonight, maybe a little trouble breathing through their noses. I do not look...
  15. J


    We pretty much all take vitamins. With all of the over processed food we all eat these days I'm amazed we get ANY nutritional value from it.