Recent content by roncar

  1. R

    At what age people consider themselves as OLD in your country?

    I'm 58 years old, but I don't feel it. Most people say I don't look it either. I guess when I was younger I would consider someone my age to be old. Now I don't consider people to be old until they're 70; although, that may change once I turn 70.
  2. R

    Do you help with the holiday decorations?

    My wife also likes to do it up big for Halloween. I'm not much for decorating from this holiday, but I think she does a great job. As for Christmas, I do put up the roof lights outside, but she and our daughters do the rest.
  3. R

    A Shout Out To My Friend

    I'm sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. I will keep him and all the rest of the military who serve our country in my prayers. May he have a safe trip home.
  4. R

    a new one

    Congratulations on the birth of your son! I'm glad to hear that both he and wife are doing well. Have fun with him because, as I'm sure you've heard more than a dozen times, they do grow up so fast.
  5. R

    Did you had what you wanted in career.

    I love what I do as a salesman. My customers love me and I get orders from companies where other salesmen can't. But the last company that recently let me go because of budget cuts was run by morons. I gave them so many suggestions on how to better budget their money, which they didn't listen...
  6. R

    Do you spy on your children

    I think I'd only do this if my girls gave me reason to. They are good girls for the most part and their mother and I trust them 99.9%. Their friends seem pretty cool, too. They are basically on the nerdy side, which I don't mind one bit. But if they started be become withdrawn, had a major...
  7. R

    Bring on the scary movies!

    My wife and I are also big horror movie buffs. We loved Cabin in the Woods, too. If you guys liked that movie, then you would also probably like U Turn and Joy Ride. I'd like to go see The House at the End of the Street also. If you can remember, could you come back here and give a review of it?
  8. R

    Intimacy issue

    This is a sensitive subject. You don't want to hurt your wifes feelings by coming out and saying she doesn't turn you on anymore. The best way to go about it is to say that you've decided that you want to start losing weight and get in shape so that you can be healthy and strong and have the...
  9. R

    Working overtime

    I just hope your boss isn't a jerk about this when you do explain that you want Fridays with your family. Some bosses would let people go over this, so I hope that won't be true in your case. Make sure to think long and hard about that first before talking with him.
  10. R

    Losing my job may be the best thing

    Congratulations on finding your passion. I am in a similar situation. I've recently been layed off, and after a couple weeks of job searching and coming up empty, I decided to work as an independant sales rep and have already gotten 3 companies to rep for. I haven't been my own boss for many...
  11. R

    Any advice

    I came into my step-daughter's lives when they were 8 and 5, so pretty young. Their father was never around, so it was easy for them to accept me as their dad. By you saying that you know it won't be easy, you are already acknowledging that rasing kids is hard work (biological or not), but...
  12. R

    When is spanking necessary?

    I'd like you to spend a week with my 5-year-old nephew. I'd bet you'd be singing a different tune about spanking then. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING along the lines of non-spanking diciplinary actions that my sister-in-law has taken makes this kid not misbehave almost every single minute of the...
  13. R

    Be there for them.

    I do try to be there for my girls as much as possible. My father wasn't close to me and my brothers growing up. So I try to remember this when I feel too tired to hang out with them. I want them to remember me with fondness as they get older.
  14. R

    Why don't they just finish it?

    My wife and I were raised in the clean-your-plate club and we now both struggle with our wieght. But when I met my wife when her girls were young, she told me that she told them to only eat until they were satisfied, not full. They would have to wrap up their food for later though. They are...
  15. R

    No Soliciting

    We had a no soliciting sign up and it barely kept everyone away. Then we'd get people saying that they weren't actually soliciting anything, when they were. My wife fixed the problem. She found a sign that reads "Work from home. Do not disturb." That keeps everyone away. At first I...