Recent content by Samuel

  1. S

    Running Everywhere With Dad

    I do not see any problem with it either and I think that it is rather lovely actually. It is nice to have such a dedicated daughter. Just make sure that you do realize that she needs to mix with her friends as well and not only stick with you.
  2. S

    Dividing Time

    Well I think that it is all about a family role and this is where the support comes in. And yes, of course I divide my time between work and my family. Usually my family also includes all my leisure activities.
  3. S

    Thinking from the kids perspective

    When I was a kid myself, I told myself several things that I would do differently from my own parents. Now that I am a parent myself, I can't seem to remember a lot of things I said I would do differently. How can I think from my kids' perspective?
  4. S

    Staying active in raising a child

    I believe that that is the way you should be as a parent father. Although you might not have much time for your child, you should make sure you maximize the commitment you put into those few hours.
  5. S

    breast milk

    I am not quite sure of the exact mechanism but the antibodies are simply present in the breast milk. These are what form the resistance to infections for the baby. The antibodies in the milk can be directly absorbed by the baby.
  6. S

    Grown children

    I think that it really depends on the attitude of the children and what they think of you. They are in their 20s and they should not demand nor require a lot of attention. Just make sure you presence is visible and make sure that they know you are not 'intruding'.
  7. S

    What's a good first pet?

    My parents did this for me. I wanted a dog really badly and they bought me fish. I hated the fish because it is not what I wanted. Eventually I gave up on the dog though.
  8. S

    How Long Do They Watch?

    I didn't really allow my children to watch TV till about the age of 3. From then on, they were restricted to an hour a day. It lead to a lot of arguments but I think that it was for the best.
  9. S

    Saving money on vacations

    What we usually do as a family is we make sure that wherever we go that we can afford at least to enjoy ourselves a little bit and make sure that we can frequently eat out as well. I think this is an important calculation/addition to your vacation expenses.
  10. S

    Career vs family

    What is more important for you? Your professional career (and probably linked with it, the earnings you make) or your family? For me, I am somewhere in the middle. Since I am the main earner in the family, I believe that my career will allow my children have a stress free education so that...
  11. S

    night/weekend part-time 2nd job?

    I only did this when I did not have a family because I had the time to. It was exhausting. But now with the family, that is out of the question.
  12. S

    Going to work mad

    Well I tend to change into someone completely different when I leave the house for work in the morning. It is almost like I have two personas. On the extreme side of things, I too get annoyed at work because of home annoyances. You just have to keep it inside for as long as you can bare!
  13. S

    Who cooks around the house?

    Several decades ago it used to be an exclusively woman task to cook in the house. But I am against this! I love cooking myself and trying out new recipes. How about you?
  14. S

    Is it what you expected?

    Agreed! You do not know what it is like to be a father until you are actually at that stage and have gone through the whole experience. It is really nice to see your children grow up though!
  15. S

    Money issues

    When your children get older and you are earning the same amount of money, sooner or later you start to feel a bit tight on your money. Does this concern you? Should I be concerned about this? Should I force them to get a part time job or focus on their studies?