Recent content by Seven

  1. S

    Tear Gas / Pepper Spray for Self-Defense?

    There is no way I would let my daughter carry something like that. We live in a small, rural town, and if something like bullying does happen, we have other ways of dealing with it. Like both parents talking through the situation like adults.
  2. S

    School Bus

    Whenever I think of tear gas, I think of SWAT teams breaking down your doors and filling your house with it. I had no idea they sold it in tiny canisters like that. But you're right though, you should think of other alternatives first.
  3. S

    Too Early

    If they're ripe, why not? October is usually the time we start putting the fall decorations out. And if a pumpkin goes bad before Halloween, we just replace it with another.
  4. S

    Movie of the week!

    When my daughter was about 2 or 3, she would want to watch Toy Story over and over and over again. It got to the point where we would have to sneak something else in when she wasn't looking, because we go kind of tired of hearing it.
  5. S

    How do you say it nicely

    Whatever it is that they want to do with you, find a version of it that doesn't require an adult, and just suggest to them, firmly, that maybe they should try it that way.
  6. S

    Processed food.

    Do you think that if we slowly started taking processed foods out of our diets, we would sick a lot less often? Do you think that could be the main health benefit?
  7. S


    Sounds like a knee reaction. I can understand where she's coming from, we all need health insurance, but that shouldn't be the sole reason to move out of country.
  8. S

    Camping with an infant?

    I don't think it's that bad of an idea. As long as you're in a clean, safe campground and keep an eye on them, I don't see why everyone can't have a good time.
  9. S

    The dreaded MIL

    Mine is actually very nice. We get along great, and our daughter loves her. Sometimes we get along better then my wife and her own mother! How's that for crazy?
  10. S

    Tightening the budget.

    Smoking. It's the most expensive habit I've ever had. I think the land line is an excellent idea also. Cell phones are a lot less expensive.
  11. S

    Coaching your kid's sports team.

    My daughters best friend does, and I don't think I'd have the patience he does, putting up with some of the parents, scheduling, etc... It looks too much like work.
  12. S

    My GOSH Kids are Loud!

    Boys seem to be worse than girls when it comes to this don't you think? Our girl is as quiet as a mouse.....most of the time. But when she's loud, she's not really THAT loud.
  13. S

    1st week of school

    It took ours about a month to stop crying when she first started. And now in the 5th grade, she loves it. It's like her little social time with her friends.
  14. S

    Putting together the furniture

    It hasn't been recent, but when I was putting it together I remember it took forever. I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for safety reasons.
  15. S


    I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Except for the sitting up part, it all sounds pretty normal to me. Is she more concerned about something than normal these days?