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  1. L

    Expressing herself

    It looks like she's in the full puberty mode which means her hormones will be effecting her emotions at any moment, you can always ask her straight out and her reaction will give you your answer.
  2. L


    I've just been recently told that I'm suffering from gout in my leg which hinders me from activities with my kids, and shows me I need to make major changes, but what's the best way to handle it? I know what the doctor says I have to do but I'd like to hear from those that actually went through it.
  3. L

    Budgeting for Christmas

    My wife handles most of it as she has a plan of what to get everyone and uses a Christmas club account and layaway but I will usually wait until the last paycheck before Christmas and buy things that I want to personally contribute.
  4. L

    Holo , I mean Hello

    Sorry I've seen the Mega Minds promo one to many times. I'm LB and I hope to get some insight or at least comic relief from other Dads with crazy but awesome kids.