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  1. M

    Considering a netbook

    We use our computer a lot at our house. We are considering a netbook as an inexpensive way to add a computer to the household. We only need to be able to surf and process e-mail. Any experience with these? We
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    Can't get a mortgage

    I guess it is all about risk. The financial history would seem to be in your favor, but being self-employed is viewed as a very big risk by banks.
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    How do you tell someone?

    I would e-mail him back and refer him to Consumer Credit Counseling. They are a non-profit organization that helps people with money problems. The only way I would continue to communicate with him is if he wanted to accept some guidance to improve things.
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    Husband and wife lost jobs

    That is just stunning. I wonder what reasons were given or if there was any advance notice given to them. It would be hard to lose just one job, but two at the same time is crushing.
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    Optimistically Skeptical......

    At this point in the process, I am more skeptically optimitistic. I suppose it may change some for the better once the newly elected senators and congressmen take office in January.
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    Negative talk

    I guess my question is: what is she doing to help the situation? Putting more pressure on you is certainly not good for either of you. She should put that energy into doing something to help.
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    Flu Shot?

    I heard on the radio that there are three strains of flu going around this year, one of which is really nasty. I know some folks here who have succumbed to it already, and it wasnt' pretty.
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    Scranton drops all employees down to minimum wage

    What a pathetic state of affairs. No one wants to pay taxes, so I guess people are getting what they want. Every man for himself, I guess. I didn't think that was what a democracy was all about.
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    Buying Presents

    Make sure that when you go you take lots and lots of photos to show her when you return. That way, if she felt a bit left out, she'll know you were thinking of her. I'm sure it will be a memorable time.
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    Does she look down upon you?

    I am the parent that stays home, and my wife has never had an issue with it. She is a professional person who needs a support person at home so she can pursue her career. We did what was best for all concerned and we've had no regrets.
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    Christmas shopping

    I have three daughters. I take each one on a different day so that they can pick out gifts for their mom and for each other. We have many fun memories from these trips.
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    Fiscal Cliff

    I don't know where the ethic has gone as far as trying to do the most good for the most people. To me what would benefit the most people is obvious. This shouldn't be hard.
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    Child Support

    An attorney makes all the difference in the world for negotiating child support. If she has an attorney and you don't it can get real unbalanced real quick.
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    Fiscal Cliff

    I think a three party political system is what we need. We kind of have that now. The Republican Party is divided now that the Tea Party has pushed its way onto the scene.
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    Urinary Tract Infection

    I had one not too long ago. The antibiotics they gave me for it had awful side effects that seemed worse than the actual illness itself.
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    Stocking Stuffer Ideas

    We put little, simple things in the girls' Christmas stockings. Things like a deck of cards for a children's card game, a small coloring book with a new box of crayons, maybe some pretty barrettes for their hair with a little necklace----things like that.
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    Favorite cooking method

    There are many ways to prepare food. Do you have a favorite method? I love to stir-fry. You get everything ready and then start adding things to the pan to cook it all very quickly, which is kind of exciting.
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    Time management

    Things take as long as they take to get done and to be accomplished well. I focus more on goals and outcomes rather than on how many things I can get checked off my list. I find that I short cut things otherwise.
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    Christmas Budget

    We don't really make a big deal of Christmas. The few extras that we indulge in during the holiday season are well within our regular budget.
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    Wiki needs some help

    I saw the pop-up as well, and I have seen similar pop-ups at the Wiki site in the past. I use Wiki all the time to reference things. I have found it to be a very quick and comprehensive way to research even some pretty obscure things.