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  1. J

    Weekend plans

    I'm looking forward to taking my wife out for dinner this weekend. It will be out first date night since the new baby came - which makes it extra special.
  2. J

    E-readers for kids

    It never entered my head that someone would give a child an e-reader, but the other day a friend mentioned the idea. How old do you think they should be to start using one of these?
  3. J

    Reducing working hours

    I have had an offer which means doing some of my work at home rather than in the office. It could be a great chance to change my lifestyle, but I'm a bit wary I'll end up getting nothing done with so many distractions!
  4. J

    I need sleep!

    How much effect does sleep deprivation have on your body? I am beginning to make silly mistakes and find it increasingly hard to concentrate, and it's only been a couple of weeks of broken nights!
  5. J

    Bringing a new baby home

    We have twins who are eight years old and a boy who is four. The girls are thrilled to have a new baby brother, but the youngest is having a hard time. His position has been taken over, which I can understand will make him a little grumpy. How did you deal with this kind of situation?
  6. J

    The waiting game

    The new baby should be here any day now, and I know we are all eager to get this waiting period over. My wife has been quite sick throughout and spent the last few months on bed rest.
  7. J

    Bell peppers

    I think summer salads look great with a few different color peppers in them. The kids refuse to eat them because they are too bitter, I was the same at their age. Is there anything else you can do with them to reduce that tang?
  8. J

    Ideas for popcorn

    I am looking for new flavorings for our new 'movie and popcorn at home' evenings. Is there anything you add to the butter to make it tastier?
  9. J

    The hospital bag

    I just read a great article about what fathers to be should pack in the their own hospital bag. Do you do this? Or just throw a few things into your partner's case?
  10. J


    Do your kids have any collecting manias? My girls are really into some kind of sticker thing. I think it's good for them to have this kind of interest but it could get expensive sometime soon!
  11. J


    I can't even recall what set us off but yesterday something happened that set my youngest off giggling. Before long me and the kids were laughing so hard I got a stitch! It was one of those precious moments that boosts you through the sometimes difficult days. :D
  12. J

    Rainy days

    What do you like to do on days when the rain is relentless and nobody wants to play outside in it? We just got a jigsaw mat for the next time this happens.
  13. J

    Worried about my brother

    My brother and his wife are having some marriage problems, which is news to me. I had no clue that there was anything wrong until he called round the other day to tell me. He has a son aged 7 and is concerned about the possibility of a divorce, and of course of the effects on the child. I...
  14. J

    The things kids pick up from their parents!

    I had to laugh the other day when one of mine claimed that the chocolate she was eating 'didn't count'. (The rule is no candy or sweet things before dinner.) It turns out that it was a gift from her friend, and as mom always says that calories in gifted food 'don't count'...... ;)
  15. J

    Burnt offerings

    In an effort to be efficient I started dinner and then went to sort the laundry. The result was a burnt pan which is soaking in the sink. It looks like it will have to be thrown away! That's the last time I try to multi task!:(
  16. J

    Sympathy morning sickness

    My poor wife is suffering quite badly with morning sickness and I swear I am feeling the same thing! She has been lucky before so this is the first time she's had to deal with it. Is there anything I can do to help her?
  17. J

    Family day trips

    How often do you guys pack up the entire clan and head out for the day? I am looking forward to a few things we have planned next month. On the whole though I prefer to spend the weekend hanging out at home and maybe doing something quite local.
  18. J

    Daddy knows everything?

    I love the way kids think and relate to things but the endless questions, they wear me out! I try my best to find answers to them all, but will admit that half the time I make it up!:p
  19. J

    My kids are so cute

    The other day they presented us with a lovely teddy bear, bought at the store when out with their grandmother and funded from their christmas cash! The toy is a present for their unborn sibling. I am amazed at their sweetness and that they kept it a secret for at least three hours before the big...
  20. J

    How much say do you have?

    My wife has a new obsession, which is to have a 'natural' birth this time. Evidently some friends she met recently have all had their babies this way and she wants to try it. Personally I think it's crazy. Why would a woman want to go through that with no pain relief at all?