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  1. W

    Store Brands vs. National Brands

    Can you taste the difference? We usually buy Ben and Jerry's, but our local supermarket was out, don't ask me how, and we bought a bucket of store brand ice cream which was half of what we usually pay for the same amount of Ben & Jerry's and I couldn't taste the difference.
  2. W

    Something wrong with kids today?

    I just accidentally came across an article where a 17 year old killed his parents for not letting him have a party, after which he hid their bodies and proceeded to host the party. Cases of such random acts of violence are not uncommon and seem to be on the rise. What's wrong with children these...
  3. W

    Would you adopt a child?

    My wife wants us to adopt a baby, we already have three of our own. In all honesty I can't say that I'm too fond about the idea. Have you adopted a child? If you could would you? How did it turn out?
  4. W

    More than you can handle?

    I just can't understand some parents, they have 4-5 kids that they can barely take care of and yet every time I see them, they are expecting another one? What's with these people?
  5. W

    16 and a license?

    Am I the only one that thinks that a 16 year old is to young to have a license? When I think back that I was driving around in a 300hp car when I was 16, I'm still amazed I'm alive.
  6. W

    Do you cook everyday?

    Do you cook everyday, or do you make food for two three days and eat that in a combination with instant foods? We don't really have time to cook everyday so we usually make a big pot of food that lasts two three days and we consume that with "instant" foods like sandwiches, cereal etc.
  7. W

    Who initiated it?

    Was it you or was it your wife who wanted to get a divorce? I read somewhere that most divorces are the wife's idea, I kind of find this hard to believe.
  8. W

    Letting them handle sharp objects.

    What do you think is the right age to trust a child whit a pocket knife, ax, bow basically anything dangerous and sharp? I think it's around six if you go often hiking, camping, with supervision of course, because kids still see everything as toys.
  9. W

    Admitting you were wrong.

    When it turns out that you were the one that was wrong, can you admit it and apologize if the situation demands it? They say it takes a big man to admit he was wrong, looks like 5' 10" isn't big enough, because I have a problem with admitting I was wrong.
  10. W

    How do you pass the time?

    When my wife and kids are off somewhere and I'm stuck at home I'm pretty much bored out of my mind, can't imagine being home every single day with nothing to do.
  11. W

    Too reckless?

    I was wondering if the high rate of divorce is due to people being more reckless or due to the changes how society views them? What got me wondering is that a buddy of mine is getting a divorce, however it was to be expected since he dated his wife for six months before they got married, now...