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  1. J

    My Son is Tired

    My son does not get the 10-12 hours of sleep that is advised for his age. I put him to bed at 8:00 and he takes forever to fall asleep, but he gets up promptly at sunrise. I figure he gets about 8-9 hours of sleep a night. If he would just fall sleep quicker, he'd get plenty. What to do?
  2. J

    Pizza Crust Tips

    I tried to make pizza last night. The crust wouldn't stop pulling away from the edges of the pan and was kind of rubbery. What did I do wrong? I used pizza dough that I purchased from the store pre-made.
  3. J

    Diet for Nursing wife

    Don't buy broccoli, or cream of broccoli soup, or anything with broccoli in it! I say this because my wife ate broccoli soup in the hospital and it gave my infant son awful gas and he was so miserable. To top it off, my very hormonal wife watched him in agony and she sobbed, thinking it was...
  4. J

    Broken Window

    I was the one who broke windows as a kid. So far I have been lucky since that hasn't happened at our house. I do like the painted wood idea, if it's something you can do with your window.
  5. J

    Bounce U is great for single dads

    Is it a nationwide program, or just specific to your area? My church offers a "moms-day-out" once a week where stay-at-home moms can drop off the kids free-of-charge and have 3 hours to herself. Of course, Dads can take part, too. I wish more communities offered resources like this for...
  6. J

    How do you make gravy?

    It depends on what kind of gravy you are making, and for what. Are you looking to make a white gravy (like the kind served with chipped beef, for example)? I personally use cornstarch because it doesn't seem to get lumpy like gravy, and I make my gravy out of whatever drippings I have (from a...
  7. J

    Kale Chips

    Looking for a healthy alternative for potato chips, I found a recipe for kale chips. I made them last night and, despite the fact that I used too much olive oil because I didn't measure (oops!) they turned out pretty good. My kids said if they weren't so greasy they'd like to try them again...
  8. J

    Heating pads for pain

    Since I've been suffering with back issues recently, I can tell you that it depends on what the pain is caused from. Several Doctors told me recently that ice is better. One Doctor advised alternating ice and heat. Motrin is the best for pain relief and to reduce inflammation. Feel better.
  9. J

    Breakfast Ideas?

    I make my kids breakfast smoothies with yogurt, frozen fruit, milk and protein powder. My sons favorite smoothie is frozen strawberries or raspberries, milk and chocolate protein powder. Sometimes I even add a teaspoon of peanut butter, which he loves too. I have to admit it's really good.
  10. J

    Daughter sick

    I don't know what part of the country you are from, but the end-of-summer allergy season has started with a vengeance here in the northeast. Even my dog is having an allergy flare up. I hope that is all it is for your little girl.
  11. J

    Wax me?

    I actually have done it. I have this weird patch of hair on my back that, quite frankly, I hate. The patch is about the size of a small envelope and it's over my left shoulder blade. When my shirt is off I feel like there is this big neon sign with an arrow pointing to it. Every few weeks my...
  12. J

    Wife depressed after baby

    I would have her mention it to her Doctor....there is no reason to suffer with depression. Being sad once in a while is normal....being sad to where it starts effecting your life isn't. If you can look back over the last 5 months and see where it may be interfering in her life, I would urge...
  13. J

    My kids listen!

    Man, that's tough when our kids see stuff we would rather they not see. It's so hard because you don't want to shelter them too much, but you also don't want them being scared about things. Seeing two grown adults screaming at one another can be frightening for a child, even if it's just the...
  14. J

    Ghost Hunters

    I'm looking forward to the new season of Ghost Hunters on the SyFy channel. It premiers on Wednesday night and I will definitely be tuning in. I think Grant and Jason are awesome. I like that they try to debunk stuff instead of just automatically saying something is paranormal.
  15. J

    Overactive imagination

    I guess it would depend on what your kids is doing to get the "Overactive imagination" label. Are they setting the house on fire and blaming it on little green aliens, or are they creating very intricate play themes? I would want to know in what context the label was given, but I do not think...
  16. J

    Jobless Rate Stays at 9.1% for August

    The news has been reporting that the jobless rate remains at 9.1% for the month of August. For every job put into the workforce, one was taken away. Do you think the President is doing enough to create jobs? I can't help but wonder how we're going to fix this.
  17. J

    More weather madness

    Yes, this has been one crazy weather year, let me tell you. From what I hear Lee is supposed to be quite a soaker. I've been hearing around 10" of rain for some areas. I hope you don't get clobbered too's sad some of that rain can get into Texas a bit father where they are pleading...
  18. J

    Earthquakes AND hurricanes? Oh my!

    I am still without power in New Jersey from Irene. The flooding was incredible....we had entire roads washed away. The sad thing is all the New York City news channels were telling people to evacuate to my area of New Jersey, and now those people are stuck here because we got hit really hard...
  19. J

    Outdoor Activities With the Kids

    We have a pool, so in the summer the kids are outside. We also have a long driveway and they love their scooters. We have a fire pit for roasting marshmallows and hot dogs, and a big hill in the back yard that is perfect for sledding in the winter.
  20. J

    I'll be a stay home dad soon

    Good for you! I think it's fantastic you are taking the plunge. I would look over your budget for areas to cut back. We cut coupons, got rid of the cable premium packages and went with basic, I've become a real stickler for turning off lights and watching the thermostat to lower the electric...