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  1. P

    Picky eaters?

    My wife read that kids have to try a food ten times before they are willing to eat the food. We always make the kids take one small serving to show gratitude for the food and then they're off the hook.
  2. P

    Toddler bedtime battles

    What I've done with my kids is set up a bedtime routine so they know it's time to get ready. The routine includes reading, drink of water and then a piggyback ride to bed.
  3. P

    Mouthy kids

    I've raised my kids so they know better than to be mouthy to me and my wife. Both of us can give the look that you described. LOL
  4. P

    Dinner time is family time

    I like this idea and may have to suggest it to my family. It sounds like a really nice way to find out what everyone has been doing during the day.
  5. P

    Dealing with bullies

    Let's say your kid is being bullied at school and you've taught him to ignore, walk away, and all that other stuff. When push comes to shove, do you tell your kid to hit back and do it hard or do you step in?
  6. P

    Are you a handyman?

    I've learned how to do things on my own just as a way to save money. I also find it very rewarding to be able to finish the job and know that I did it.
  7. P

    Naming The Child

    My wife and I went through the alphabet and thought of names for each letter. We also applied the yelling test. It's where you have to yell for the kid when they're at the playground. LOL
  8. P

    What's your worst fear?

    I think just about every dad worries that if something happens to him, he wants his family taken care of. I do that by making sure my life insurance will provide enough coverage to pay off all debts including the house.
  9. P

    Prepared to change diapers?

    Are you expectant dads really ready to take on the job of changing your baby's diaper? I've heard about some guys who can't do it because it makes them gag and I have to think what a wuss they are.
  10. P

    Cutting the cord

    I did it with my babies. Fortunately, the doctor was really reassuring and told me that nothing bad would happen. :)
  11. P


    That's pretty bad when parents bad mouth each other in front of the kid. No matter how they feel about each other, they should keep their mouths shut in front of their kids.
  12. P

    Paying for college?

    Not sure where it came from that we parents are supposed to pay for our kid's college education. I'd agree that if the kid was financially responsible, they might take school more seriously.
  13. P

    Impact on Miscarriage

    My wife had a miscarriage after carrying the baby for thee months. It was tougher on her than on me but I was still sad. Took us 4 years before she got pregnant again.
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    It's a tough situation for everyone involved. My parents were divorced when I was 8 years old and they hated each other and I hated hearing about it from both of them. :(
  15. P

    Fast food

    Sometimes when things are a little hectic my wife and I will take the kids to a fast food joint. We don't do it too often because it's not all that healthy but it works in a pinch. Anyone else?
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    Where did you learn to cook?

    I started to cook shortly after my dad died. He taught me a few things and the rest I picked up from recipe books or watching cooking shows.
  17. P


    I have some barbecue books from a guy named Steve Raichlen. He wrote Barbecue Bible and another book on ribs. Both books are really easy to use and follow.
  18. P

    Picky eaters?

    My kids are picky about certain things but when the table is set and food is ready, they know they have one option: they can go hungry or they can eat.
  19. P

    Dealing with In-Laws

    Sometimes in-laws can either enhance a marriage or they can ruin it. That's why when my kids get older, I'll be sure they know that when they get married, they get the full package including the spouse's family.
  20. P

    Taking daughter to a sports event?

    If we had a pro team around the area, I'd definitely take my kids just because it's so much fun. Around here we only have college level and that's about it. We do watch college baseball, though.