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  1. S

    Does this seem fair?

    Taxes never seem fair to the people who have to pay them. We have become a country where the rich are very rich and are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and the middle class bears the brunt of everything. They are being worked slam to death with no way of digging out of it.
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    Obstetrician visits

    When the wife goes to her obstetrician visits, how many of you tag along? I went to the first one and have met the doctor twice more so far, but I can't see taking off work every time she has a check-up. My wife says she doesn't care, but is this something I'll regret later on? I plan to be...
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    New television

    We don't have a lot of space now in our apartment, but once we move, a new big television is on the wish list. The baby is going to be needing lots of room to crawl around and put his or her toys. No t.v. is on the list for awhile.
  4. S

    What would it be?

    I get pretty much support from my family. Maybe I'd get them to stop treating me like I'm an only child, but since I am an only child, they don't know how to do otherwise. Maybe when the baby comes along we'll have folks to share all the attention.
  5. S

    Like your own father?

    I'm highly mathematical like my mom, but I love to grow things. I get that from my father. We love to build things together around the farm. We tried putting up one of those corn mazes one time and had giant creatures made from pvc pipe and fabric that rose up out of the fields at night. We were...
  6. S

    Who wears the pants?

    Wilson, I'm having a good little chuckle picturing you and your wife trying to squeeze into one set of pants. It doesn't help that I'm picturing Tom Hanks and Wilson from the "Castaway" movie at the same time. You sound like you two have a good marriage.
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    Special gift for the wife

    Paul, more power to you. I'd rather buy the expensive jewelry that do housework and cooking. My mom's coming in to help with that. Seriously, you've given me some ideas. We need a heating pad, so that's an idea for a little present. I am leaning toward buying her a piece of jewelry and having it...
  8. S

    Special gift for the wife

    I've been thinking about what to buy my wife as a gift after our baby is born that will have special meaning to her. I know red roses are good. What have others bought for their baby's mother to let her know how much you love her at this time?
  9. S

    Saving money by doing it yourself

    We did this when we had to, mostly when we were living in apartments and as college students. We're both out working now, so it's easier to trade part of our paychecks for basic necessities. Still, I remember those days of making do. We raided Mom's pantry, too.
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    Need Games!

    Tetris got my dad started. I think it came out on the GameBoy. He loved it and it was never out of his hands. My mom tried to learn to play, but Dad was always on the GameBoy.
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    Little Entrepreneurs

    I used to pick gourds and sell them to people to paint. It didn't hurt that I painted lots of them as Santas, ghosts and snowmen during the proper season. I always sold out of them. We were lucky and lived on a farm. I started about age 12.
  12. S

    leave my tools alone!

    It's little things like this that cause big rifts in a marriage. Do you think you could sit down and talk with her, tell her how much she means to you and that it makes you think she doesn't care for you and respect you because of the way she treats your things? Then take her to dinner or...
  13. S

    Health and pregnancy

    This situation sounds like the one in the movie, "Steel Magnolias." The girl in that movie, played by Julia Roberts ends up dying because of some illness she had at one point. I don't even want to think about this since my wife is pregnant now.
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    More than 5 kids?

    Even the Mormon Church has stated that large families are no longer necessary. They leave it up to the couple and the Lord. I shudder every time I hear about that other family that has around 20 children. For me, it's akin to child abuse. They say they can handle it. I totally don't understand.
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    Winding down the year

    I'm enjoying my last days of freedom. When the new year gets here, I've got marching orders to clear out the spare room, do some wall repair and paint it to start work on a baby nursery. The wife says she'll take it from there. That's to be seen.
  16. S

    Is anything better

    This is one of the things I'm looking forward to. It's the getting there from here that's causing me all the problems now. I'm a first-time dad-to-be, and we've still got childbirth and delivery between baby laughs and me. Wish me luck.
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    Bradley Method

    My wife has been reading about the Bradley Method of natural childbirth. It seems to be a bit too natural for my tastes. What if she goes this route and changes her mind at the last minute and it's all up to me? This pregnancy and childbirth stuff gets complicated. Has anyone here done this method?
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    The Wait?

    This is our first child, so I don't know how to answer this question. I know I will be nervous, wanting to do something to help but not quite knowing how. I hope the time goes fast. My wife can get a little demanding when she's not feeling great.
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    Wife's craziness

    My wife is being a little crazy this week. It's more of a silly kind of crazy, but she is not being her usual self. She wants me around her more than usual, too. I want to go on an all-day road trip with some of my buddies, but I'm afraid to ask. Is this part of the whole pregnancy thing? I can...
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    Nostalgic Toys

    I can't wait to buy my kid a drum, a baseball glove, a Slinky and one of those pull-toys that I called an early Snoopy. There are dozens of toys I want to introduce my child to when he is the right age.