Search results

  1. J

    Staying at home boredom

    I don't stay home these days, but there have been a few times when I've tried the work-at-home routine. I almost went stir crazy being in the house all the time. I'm dreading retirement for the same reason, although I do enjoy a day at home some. How do you combat the boredom?
  2. J

    Time for yourself

    Since it's the shortest month of the year, this is the month I go out of my way to do something for myself. This year I'm planning to buy myself a present. I've set aside the money and now I just have to decide whether it's golf clubs, a pricey addition to my vehicle or a new television. Do you...
  3. J

    Who wears the pants?

    I'm older than a lot of fathers here, but we grew up with the expression, "Who wears the pants in the family?" With us, I wear the pants for certain jobs I enjoy doing. My wife wears the pants for jobs she enjoys doing. For the other jobs, we tend to talk it out and take turns. What term do...
  4. J

    Weddings on my mind

    One of my friend's daughters announced her engagement last night. I know she's old enough, but she was just a little girl almost no time ago. We haven't begun to put enough money away to cover college and two weddings and retirement and whatever else comes. I say, "Elope!" My wife would never agree.
  5. J

    Favorite holiday recipe

    We're preparing here for the Christmas holiday. What kinds of recipes are traditional in your holiday celebrations? We'll be fixing the traditional turkey, rice and gravy, dressing, candied yams and green bean casserole. Plus -- we throw in a little ham to boot, just so no one thinks it's...