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  1. B

    Weekend Plans

    Well, we are going to do some yard work if the weather cooperates and it's my wife's birthday so we'll be going out to celebrate. And of course we'll spend some time in our hot tub. It's great for R&R and face time.
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    Movie Nights

    We try to compromise and find a movie that we both like. We both like comedies and hate horror movies, so it usually works out well. She likes action movies she says, but I think she likes watching certain actors more than the movie itself - Russell Crowe and Matt Damon for instance.
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    Not enough homework

    I think it would depend upon the age of your grandson. I know our school system has guidelines set up based on age and grade. Sometimes kids do finish at school. But what we've always done is go by the guidelines. If they don't specifically have homework, they have to reread notes from that day...
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    Are You A Good Sport

    I just hate when I'm watching my kids play a sport like soccer or hockey and hear some loudmouth yelling at his kids. Now there are times when I get steamed about something I hear, but I have never allowed myself to get in an argument with another parent in the stands or on the sidelines. It's...
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    Hunger Games

    I was totally expecting to hate this movie. But my wife had read the book and wanted to go, so we went. It was an amazing movie, so good that I'd see it again. How many of you guys have seen it?
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    Mobilephone for 10 years old.

    I agree that it depends on the maturity of the child. But we had our kids take ours with them when they were going out to places like the mall in case they needed to get hold of us or visa versa.
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    What type of movies you let your children watch?

    We make sure that there is no adult content or excessive bad language or violence. They'll see that soon enough as it is. Oh and since my wife gets scared watching horror movies, we don't watch them either.
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    No, not at all. In fact, it takes a real man to do things like that and not feel embarrassed by it. Hey, they're our kids too. Why shouldn't we do everything for them like our wives do?
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    Planting a garden

    We have a huge garden and plant the usual summer veggies in it. We also have some strawberries and raspberries. And I hope to get a few blueberry bushes in this year. The most unusual thing I've ever planted was artichokes. They don't grow well in my region because of the cold winters. My wife...
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    Do you let your kids see you and your spouse fight?

    We don't fight often and when we do we try not to do it in front of the kids to a great degree. I think it's healthy for them to see parents disagree because that's part of life, but I wouldn't want them to worry that we were going to break up by having a really bitter fight in front of them.
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    Library Time

    We go on the weekends together as a family now that they are in school. When they were still at home, we always enrolled them in story time which they really loved to be a part of.
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    Young Child and Grandparents Death

    When my dad passed away my sons were quite young. We took them to the funeral parlor to say goodbye and they wrote letters and drew pictures for grandpa which we told them were going to go to heaven with him. They also attended the funeral service.
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    Learning on their own

    I think I'd just tell him that it can be tough being a parent especially for the first time, so if he needs any help or advice, you're there for him. After that it's up to him.
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    Playing With The Wii

    I'm not sure that there will be that many changes in the Wii so there's probably no point in waiting to get one. And with so many new games always being released it's turning out to be more fun all the time.
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    Too much fast food

    If you are doing the fast food route, maybe choose a place like Subway where at least the choices are fairly nutritious, or order a pizza with less meat toppings and more veggies. And for other fast food places, go for a salad instead of the fries.
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    embarrassing kids, too much?

    How can it not affect the poor kid, not to mention his long term relationship with the father? If nothing else he'll never forget the fact that he was humiliated by his own father.
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    My favorite is of course one of the most expensive - cashews. But I also love pistachios and almonds. They are pretty high in calorie though so I try to limit myself by putting out the amount I'm allowing myself. Otherwise the whole jar is gone before I know it.
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    Cheap lunch?

    You can't go wrong with stir fry. Just cut up a variety of vegetables and some chunks of any kind of meat and put them in some hot oil in a wok or large frying pan. You can change the flavor by adding different types of sauces. Great for supper and for lunch warm-ups.
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    I resemble my dad quite a bit and my sister looks like my mother which I guess is pretty normal. When you look more closely though you can see certain features of both parents in both of us.
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    RElationship with your dad

    I had a close relationship with my dad when I was growing up and still do. He was very involved with me in coaching sports and we liked a lot of the same things. He wasn't afraid to get down on the floor and wrestle or watch videos with me when I was younger.