Search results

  1. E

    Fathers and giving birth

    I saw this poster on the net with a father surrounded by doctors and nurses in a hospital's delivery room. One nurse was cuddling a baby. At the bottom of the poster it says something like: A mother's wish come true. Or something to that effect. That poster is funny. Can you imagine...
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    Videos of Kids Fighting

    I saw on Talk TV today that there are videos of children fighting, which are going viral on the net. One video is of a six and eight year old who were kicking and boxing each other as if their lives depended on it. What's horrible is that a male adult was the one filming the whole thing and...
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    Fifty Shades of Grey

    I've heard that this book (and two others) by E.L. James are making waves worldwide. It's very popular that a movie will soon be made about it. I haven't read the book, nor does my wife who is the book lover. But I might watch the movie when it comes out.
  4. E

    Baby talk

    Did you ever baby talk to your kids when they were three years old or younger? We try not to baby talk to my son who is two, but my mother and other relatives do. Right now, he still doesn't talk fluently although we can understand what he's trying to say. I never had this issue with my other...
  5. E

    Are you OK with a B?

    For those who have older kids, are you guys okay with your kids getting a B grade? Or do you "encourage" them to do better and get As instead? My kids have scholarships in a Science-oriented school in our place, and even if my wife and I don't want to pressure them into studying hard, we...
  6. E

    Miley Cyrus engaged

    My daughters both adore Miley Cyrus. Initially, I supported this because the girl seemed like a good role model. However, when she came out with the news recently that she's engaged to her boyfriend - and at 19 - I'm not sure if I approve. I mean, it may be okay for some people, but for me 19...
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    Snow White and the Huntsman

    Has anyone seen this new Kristen Stewart, Cris Hemsworth movie? My daughters, who are nine and seven are so enthused to watch this film ever since they've read about it in their Total Girl magazine. I'm kind of indecisive because it seems there is a hint of violence in the film, that may not...
  8. E

    What's your take?

    I heard from my cousin the other day. She's my only cousin from my mother's side and we grew up together, so even if she lives in another country we still keep in touch. She told me she was pregnant again. My cousin is not married and she already has two kids with two DIFFERENT men. After...
  9. E

    Fish Fillet

    I've always loved to cook. Lately, I've been experimenting with cream dory for fish fillet. My wife and the kids love it so much that it's been our main dish for three days straight. Has anyone tried this dish? What sauce did you pair it with?
  10. E

    How are you liking it so far?

    For all those stay-at-home dads, how are you liking your designated "task" so far? If you can have it any other way, would you still choose to stay at home, full-time?