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  1. L

    Healthy Snacks

    We have had discussions for years about what to do about our diets when the kids came along. We both are junk food junkies but I have a high metabolism and my wife just doesn't indulge. So when they came along, we decided we would switch off to fruits and veggies for snacks unless the kids...
  2. L

    Teens and Drugs

    My teen brother has always been a screw up. I'm not just saying that because he is my little brother but he has always made the rest of the family worry, fret, wait, just about anything he can get by with. Well, Mom called me the other day and told me he had gotten busted for possession of...
  3. L

    What Do You Think About the Leashes?

    My mother in law got us what I call a leash, for our 4 year old. It has a vest which looks like a backpack and has a monkey on it. My son loves it but my wife is reluctant to use it. We have gone to a theme park this year and I found it invaluable to keep up with him. I sure didn't want him...
  4. L


    My daughter was having a sore throat the other day and I took her to the doctor. They found out it was thrush! I thought only babies had that but I guess I was wrong. They gave her some stuff she has to swish around in her mouth and swallow four times a day and she hates it. The only way I...
  5. L

    Running Everywhere With Dad

    I have a little girl and I am generally home during the day because I work evening shift. My wife works days so we both watch our daughter during the day. I have never made a difference with taking her everywhere with me. At 4 years of age, she has become the favorite visitor of many of the...