Aging parents


New Member
Have you been confronted with the prospect of having to start to help caring for aging parents? I'm the youngest of six, so my parents were older when they had me. I'm not sure I'm ready for this!


New Member
My folks are still young really, but I have helped to care for my grandparents in the past. That was fairly short term, not sure I could take it on for a long time. Are you a lot younger than your siblings?


New Member
We had a family tragedy this year that for the first time, put some of that burden on me. I will readily admit that before this I never viewed my parents as "old".


New Member
My parents are all in their 60's now, but I haven't been faced with this yet. To be honest, I'm not ready for it and would be hoping one of my brothers could help or my step siblings as well. I'm in no position to have anyone come live with me at this time.


New Member
My wife is an only child, and her parents are now approaching 70. At some point in the future, I think it will be inevitable that we will have to be helping them more and more.


New Member
Yes, there have been a couple issues where I wondered what would happen but fortunately it has not happened to my parents. I know that one day I am going to have to make some tough decisions though.


New Member
No but I watched my mother go through this and its not an easy task, esp. when the parent has an illness that just triples the workload. I worry about it more for my spouses side of the family rather than mine though too.