All these VHS tapes.


New Member
We still have so many movies on VHS. We have upgraded some of them to DVD's but there are many movies I don't know if we could replace (or if I really want to replace some of them). We still have a functioning VHS player, but I cringe thinking about the time when we'll just be tossing all these tapes in the trash.

Do you still have any movies on VHS? What is your plan for them?


New Member
I transferred them to DVD a long time ago. I also have them backed up on a hard drive. They are precious memories I don't want to loose just because the tape gets chewed up.


New Member
We got rid of ours years ago when we got rid of the player. I don't know anyone who still uses these at all. We even had our daughter's wedding, which was on video tape, transferred to DVD.


New Member
I don't keep any VHS tapes anymore, and have given our VHS player to a cousin when it got outdated. Like everyone else, we had our VHS tapes converted to DVDs. My senior uncle on the other hand still has his VHS player handy. Whenever we have our family reunions, he almost makes it a point to show a couple of home-made videos that are still on VHS format. :)


New Member
We tossed ours about 3 years ago. My wife got sick of spring cleaning around them. The tapes took up a ton of room under the TV too. She put them in a yard sale for a quarter each. I couldn't believe that most of them sold.