Always being there


New Member
Are you the type of parent that feels the need to be at every single one of your child's practices & events/games/etc? I'm talking more about older children, but younger ones as well.


New Member
When my kids were younger the answer was Yes. My wife or myself was at every everything (even practice). Now we just go to the games and events but not practices.


New Member
I think it depends on the kid. Sometimes children want you there, other times they want to be alone for some of them. I base it on the individual and what they prefer. I love being there every time if they don't mind (When I have the time).


New Member
I agree with Aiden, it depends on the kid. There are times when kids prefer to be left alone with other children of their own age. And despite their age, some kids prefer to be treated as adults.


New Member
My wife and I don't go to practices, but we make every effort to be at every game or event. Sometimes we may miss one for our daughter, because we are at our son's game. But, that doesn't happen all too often.