Are you "techie?"


New Member
How many of you here would try to fix your computer, mobile phones or any other electronic gadget on your own, when it's broken? Are you the person people go to when their internet connection crashes or when they need help with installing a software in the computer?

As for me, I am not techie. I don't know much about computers or technology, but I do try to fix minor computer issues (with the help of the internet, of course.). :)


New Member
I'm just a little techie. I used to be more so, but things have changed so much. I do have to keep up with the user end of most products they're using in the school classrooms because of my job. I just don't fix the inner workings.


New Member
I am a little bit techie, but my wife is the real guru. She can bring just about any electrical gadget back to life. She actually fixes computers for a living so that is nice. IT is one less repair bill that we will ever have to pay.


New Member
I am a bit of a techie, but it depends on what the problem is. If I already have a basic knowledge of the system I'm okay, but if I no nothing about the item --- I think it is best to leave it to the professionals.


New Member
No Way! I am not a techie. I mean I can fix a lot of things but I stay clear of the computer, phones, or anything technical. I would always call my brother in law. He is a major "geek" or techie.

Victor Leigh

New Member
Well, I used to run a computer repair shop for many years. So I am supposed to be able to assemble and repair my own computer. Not that I have done much of that lately since I retired from my business. My laptop, though old, is still running fine and need only the occasional dusting to keep it in good order.


New Member
I'm a little bit of a techie just because I've used a computer for so long. You pick up stuff along the way. My sister has a degree in it so she's the one people go to for help.


New Member
I am definitely the live in Tech Support when something goes wrong. I have to handle fixing all that; but I guess it is fair trade because I can't do much with the cars or around the house other than a few basic things.


New Member
I'm not a techie but loved melding around when ever any electronic device broke down. Sometimes I can fix it but oftentimes, I just make matters worst. But little by little, I have learned to fix my computer. That is after I had already broken at least two motherboards, 5 memory cards, three hard disc and one DVD dics.


New Member
I'm a lot techie mostly due to me working for a long time as a PC engineer. I often buy broken computers, phones and tablets to repair and sell on for a bit of profit.


New Member
Id rate myself mostly techie. I can troubleshoot most things and when I cant I call in to customer support and I can 9 times out of 10 understand and decode what on earth the person on the other line is trying to say. If it wasnt for the thick accents that are all but understandable they might actually be very helpful.


New Member
No I am not and I dare not. But my younger son is quite innovative, he would show me so many way of correcting the things which are broken. Computer repairing is his favorite and he knows so many weird things about mobiles. He is pursuing civil construction though he should be gone to computer tech course.