

New Member
In laws that forget I have two children who email both me and the spouse and reminding spouse that we only have one child truly pisses me off. How could they be so forgetful, its not like they do not have access to my Facebook page to see pictures or hear me talking about both kids. :mad:


New Member
I am not sure how they could forget about a whole living being. I suppose if one is a very young baby that would explain it, but still. I think I would be upset as well.


New Member
What? How could anyone forget you have 2 children (family that is). Do both kids live with you? I would think that it would not matter, it's not like your kids went away!


New Member
Sorry to hear that! That does seem beyond rude, and how can you just forget about a child? Is it a second marriage type deal or something where maybe they don't see one child often or something like that?