Back to work


New Member
Well since my wife had our son I have now returned to the outside workforce. Hate the job, hate being away from the family...anyone else had problems returning to the workforce?


New Member
Well finding something you love doing is a nice sentiment, but usually we all end up doing something that we don't really care for, it pays the bills till something better comes up though.


New Member
While going back to work is hard, it is the biggest show of family love. You are the provider and they need you. Every time you are about to go crazy at work, look at your son's picture and it will brighten your day.


New Member
I imagine it is hard to return to work after having time with your family, especially when it's a job you don't like. Keep looking for a job you will like. I hope something opens up for you.


New Member
I hear that! I just got back from being on a contract job for what feels like the longest hell ever, I mean longest job ever. :)

Going to work is good but sometimes when you take a contract job and know nothing upfront it makes it difficult to adjust too, glad I am back now though.


New Member
Maybe try going into business for yourself? It would be a bigger motivator and at the very least you have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, just be prepared to work harder than you have ever worked before.