Ballet and tumbling


New Member
Our nine-year-old daughter decided to just take tumbling this year instead of the ballet and jazz she took the last three years. I went to yet another dance recital this week where we sat through two 3-hour performances where we watched our daughter do one small tumbling routine in each performance. The rest of the time we watched the dance teacher, dance teacher's daughters and people she brought in from her college to do solo numbers. I spend all that money on costumes, lessons, $50 sleep-ins and I get to see my daughter, who loves to perform, roll across the stage a couple of times. Oh, and she stood on her head for the longest time. I'm just a grump.


New Member
Sometimes, we need to weigh in how much that means to our kids and if it is important to them, even that short appearance, then we need to sacrifice our time. But I do get you because I'm exactly like you. I'll endure everything but I'm a big grump too.


New Member
I keep hearing about people who did this for years through out their school times and are now having serious health issues later in life. Is it really worth it, between sports and the other extra's if you are going to have problems later in life because of it?


New Member
Its fun for her and that is what matters. At least this is what my wife told me when my daughter was younger. Its expensive but they like it. All dance recitals are boring, I can't imagine tumbling.


New Member
It seems to me the dance teacher and her family and friends got the most exposure on that recital :D Nevertheless, I'm sure your daughter had lots of fun showing her tumbling routine on stage. That's what matters most.


New Member
As long as your daughter didn't feel slighted, that's really what matters. If she did, though, I suppose you could look around for another studio.


New Member
Thanks, guys! I was in a grumpy mood, wasn't I? My daughter loved watching the others, and she ended up getting a ribbon, so she's happy. School's out, and she's having a ball with her friends now. Dancing and tumbling are on hold for the summer, except for when the dance teacher decides she's going to have a girls' overnight movie party. Cost is $25 plus the girls can bring snacks to share. I hope she'll have her own pajama party with her own snacks minus the $25. price tag.