Bed Rest


New Member
So we just found out that my wife is pregnant, but within a few days of finding out she was pregnant, she starts bleeding. Baby is fine....strong heartbeat we got to see on ultrasound, but my wife is on bed rest until 12 weeks. She is 8 weeks now.

I feel kind of lost on this one because the kids don't understand why mommy can't do anything with them.


New Member
You might be able to let them know that Mommy needs extra rest right now, of course in a tone that does not worry them. Depending on their age you can either get into a little more detail or less, but use your common sense. If the kid is a worry wart, tell them as little as possible but let them know they can help out to ease the time Mommy is spent (bored) in bed. ;)


New Member
So far, so good. The kids have been excellent and I'm adapting to all the cooking and cleaning activities and playing Mr. Mom. School just started, so the days are quiet for her. She isn't on strict bed rest, so she can walk around a little bit and she can sit in the living room or on the deck. She hasn't had a bleeding episode since, so I hope that means the vessel bleed is healing like the Doc said it would.