Bedtime Routines


New Member
I think I've finally got my baby's bedtime routine down so we can get her to bed at a decent hour. Since I've had her, she has been terribly mixed up and was having a horrible time getting to sleep which was horrible for me because I had to get up and go to work the next morning. But we have it down now so I can get her to bed at 7:30 pm and she will sleep until it's time for me to get her up at 5:30am. I get up at 5 and take a quick shower and then get her up and feed her. Then I get her ready and to my Mom by 6:15 or 6:30 for me to get to work at 7.


I'm glad that's working for you - how old is she? I'm surprised that she'll sleep that long without waking you up. My kids cried every couple of hours through a good bit of their infancies.


New Member
I have about the same routine. My son has his last feeding around 8pm and then we put him down. Normally he will sleep until 6am. He is 6 months old and this is very different than his brother who had us up almost every hour until he was a year and then still 3 or 4 times a night till he was 3!


New Member
I worked extra hard with my kids when they were babies. I tried to get them in to a steady routine as soon as possible. The two I managed a routine with still stick to it like clock worth. The other, not so much. Still makes my life a lot easier.


New Member
I read my kids stories before bed, give them a glass of water and then they lay down. I sometimes let them watch a little tv, but not much. It helps them fall asleep faster.


New Member
My baby is three years old. She sleeps much sounder than I do. I think it's because my ex wife didn't respond to her cries so she learned to sleep or to pacify herself if she did wake up. My ex was a drug user so she was not the best mother when my baby was small. We split when she was about a year and a half old but her parents had her on and off and then at the end they had temporary custody while I was going through the courts to get full custody.


New Member
I am sure it was a real adjustment for her, but now, being in a stable environment, she will pick up on the routine and do better for it. Having a set routine really makes life easier for everyone.