Boardwalk Empire


New Member
I am really starting to love this show the more I get into it. I have finally caught up on all of the past seasons and the casting is superb! The guy who plays Nucky has been around forever and I love him in everything he has done so far.


New Member
What is this show about? I've never even heard of it. It might be one I add to the "must watch" list. What station is it on and when is it on?


New Member
I started watching it once but to be honest Steve Buscemi just weirds me out. I might give it a try though since I know a lot of people say it is a really good show. I generally like mobster movies too.


New Member
The show tends to follow many mini stories of each character involved which I love, it gives a little more feel to what we know from history. If Steve Buscemi did not weird people out it would be a horrible call to have cast him, I think he fits the role of Nucky to a T.