Canker sores


New Member
I just came across this page and learned that cancer sores occur more often in whites, nonsmokers, and people with higher socioeconomic status. I didn't know making and having less money helps with canker sores. :D


New Member
I have had maybe two in my life, no real idea what caused them either time. Very interesting to hear about though. I might need to give it a check out the next time I get one.


New Member
I get canker sores all the time. They really are terrible. I am usually in pain for about a week but seems like forever. I am white and a nonsmoker, though I don't fit the bill where socioeconomic status is concerned.


New Member
I get cancer sores almost regularly, and I hope it has nothing to do with my non-smoking habit. Anyway, that is an interesting article but I cannot see how smoking habit can help with canker sores.


New Member
I can see how smoking might have an affect. Anything you put in or near your mouth can have an effect, I'm sure. I've heard that the type of toothpaste you use can also cause canker scores. I can't remember if gel or paste is supposed to be better.


New Member
That is very odd! I wonder why that would be the case? I get them often and they hurt! I don't smoke and I'm white. Very odd... I just thought it was from the acidic things I eat.


New Member
I grew up believing that canker sores are due to the lack of some vitamins especially vitamin C. It is hard to believe that canker sores occur more often in non smokers.