Cheaters, again?


New Member
I don't like cheaters and those who don't respect their spouse and their marriage. Unfortunately, a close friend of mine is part of the people. Not sure what would I do to help his spouse with this.


New Member
I also hate it but it happens, and often happens to people close to you. It's a tough situation, but I think I would let the wife know about it without directly talking with her.


New Member
People are going to be people. The only one you can control is yourself. It's better to step back and let them live their lives and not interfere. "Judge not lest ye be judged" is a good rule to follow in cases of cheating friends.


New Member
I have mixed feelings about these things. I agree with Leon to some extent. It is not your business so you had better not interfere. But he is your close friend, so I think you should at least talk with him.


New Member
I have never gotten in the middle of other peoples business like that before but I would be upfront in telling the friend its something I would like to associate with. I have been cheated on before and its not something I want even be remotely involved in again, even as an outsider.


New Member
This is actually sensitive territory and something I'm not sure you have to tread on. However, since we are talking about a close friend, it is also your "responsibility" as a true friend should, to somehow let him know what you think about the issue. I know your friend might not want you interfering, but if you won't, then who will? You can always use subtlety.