Child with autism


New Member
So we have a child with moderate autism and he can be rather difficult for me to handle sometimes. He is technically my stepson but i prefer to think of him as my own. I am trying to figure out ways to better cope with my frustration as i am worried my wife might think i don't love him as much as our other two. Which is absolutely not the case i love them all the same. Has anyone been in this situation and how did you deal with?


New Member
How old is your child? I'm not in the same situation, however, I have a niece who is autistic. My niece is 18 years old now and she's grown to be well-behaved. What my brother and his wife did was to treat her with patience and from time-to-time, also scolded her like any "normal" child. I know it's hard to tell what a child with autism is thinking, but what my brother and his family did to address this issue, was to teach my niece to use symbols to "show" certain feelings. For instance, a star means "happy," a moon is "sad" and so on. They improvised along the way.

I know it's not easy raising a special child but from what I can see from my niece, it could be done. My brother always said that


New Member
Are there any local resources or support groups you could utilize? They would probably have better suggestions than I could give, since my children are neurotypical (as far as I know, anyway).