

New Member
My brother was in town last week and we got to talking about where my oldest would be studying in College (which would be in a couple of years). I told him my wife and I have decided to let our daughter study in the nearest university, as our foremost concern is her safety. My brother said while it is understandable for us to keep our daughter close, he said, it would be better if we let her decide for herself. It will do her good in the end, he said.

I think my brother is right, but I'm still apprehensive about letting my daughter make decisions for herself. To me, she will always be the dependent little girl :(


New Member
Choices are okay for the college-bound students as long as they weigh in all the factors that go into making a decision, especially as the parent views them. After all, who is paying tuition, room, board and all the other associated expenses? Parents should have a say, but they should listen to their child, too.


New Member
I don't think you are right with this one. I think it is your daughters choice - 100%. If she chooses a college that you can't afford then she will need to take out student loans and pay for them. You can help her make the choice but she has to have the final say. It's her life!


New Member
I agree with CHenne here. Once your daughter graduates from high school, she'll be 18 and old enough to make her own decisions. While you should certainly help her and offer your advice when she asks for it, the time will have passed for you to make her decisions for her.


New Member
I agree with the others who have said that where to go to college is your daughter's choice. But, that being said, you should tell her what you'd prefer, especially if you are paying the tuition. Sometimes the tighter you try and hold on, the further they try to push away.


New Member
We need to make some decisions that they can't do on their own. But some kids are very smart and realize fast what is best for them. So it all boils down to how mature are your kids at that age.