Chores for young kids


New Member
My kids are still really young, my oldest will be four in January, but we talk a lot about being a family and how we all have to help out. My wife and I were talking about trying to find some chores that our daughter can help with around the house. We have gotten her to help us dust, and pick-up around the house, but we were trying to come up with some other ideas. Suggestions?


New Member
I didn't receive my pocket money if I didn't do the chores when I was growing up, it instilled a good work ethic. I think it's important for all the family to help out with the chores. My son is only 6 and he helps me out when he can.


New Member
My four year old granddaughter helps us by pushing the Hoover around the room. She has to be guided at times but she is getting quite good at it! She also likes to help in the garden raking up leaves and pulling weeds.


New Member
I never got an allowance but I would get paid to do chores and all my stuff. I didn't clean my room...then I don't get my "paycheck." It definitely helped and made me understand that nothing comes for free.


New Member
It's when kids are that young that they actually want to help. Our kids help with putting away groceries, helping with the recyclables, folding towels, and dusting and vaccuming. Our oldest helps with drying dishes and taking out the trash.


New Member
I think for a four year old those are great chores. I don't think you would want to give her more chores - she is just a toddler. I think just picking up her toys is enough.


New Member
I do not understand parents who think that no responsible for a child is acceptable. How are we going to expect our children to become responsible, timely and successfully in life if we can not start young to mold them?


New Member
The only real "set" chore my three year old has is to pick up toys with our help. She also likes to help put dishes away and lately she's started feeding the cat, so I guess we could call them her chores too.


Staff member
Our daughter feeds the dogs and cleans up her room and the play room. She is 4. My son is 18 months and he is learning how to help clean up the playroom.


New Member
Our son is responsible for picking up his toys and he gives the cat her food. My daughter (who is a teenager) dusts, walks the dog, loads the dishwasher and occasionally cooks. I am sure she wouldl tell you she does more than that, but that is all I can think of right now.