Closings & Delays


New Member
Well, it's winter now, and the weather can be quite unpredictable where I live. How do you deal with school closings and delays? What do you do to keep your little ones busy?


New Member
I don't know. Mine have done a lot of sledding and snowman building. My oldest and his friends have made an igloo although I made sure it was sound before they started using it. This winter has been particularly bad.


New Member
We play games and watch movies inside if it is a delay. Then in the afternoon if it is a closing we will go play in the snow and build things provided it isn't in the negative like it has been lately.


New Member
Same thing we do on weekends if we are home we play games or go outside. If it is a day they go to the sitter they just spend the day with her and have some activities to do.


New Member
The kids love snow days. My wife only works part-time, but if the day happens to fall on her work day, then the kids get a visit to Grampa's house or my sister's house, who are our go to people for emergency babysitters.


New Member
Seems like a lot of people are being affected by the snow this year, as far as closings and delays go! Good to see that us Pennsylvanians aren't the only ones! My daughter's love delays, because that means they get more time to sleep. lol
On closings, they go out and play in the snow. Or stay inside and watch movies.


New Member
Mine are going to have to go to school during spring break. So we are not going to do anything this year. We are still planning to go on a short vacation during summer break but spring break is a bust.


New Member
You know, I just don't remember schools closing because of snow years ago when my kids were young. I do recall myself sitting in my classroom wearing a coat, scarf and hat as it was very cold, but I suppose there are a lot more health and safety laws now.


New Member
I remember when I was like 7 or 8 and our school was closed for almost a week because of a storm. Then during the same winter we were closed again when temps were well below zero and wind chills were down to -50 and -60. They started building in more snow days into the year, so a few days off here or there due to snow doesn't throw us off too much.


New Member
Fortunately my wife works part time evenings and she is home during the day keeping things going for everybody. When both parents work full time, this must really put a kink in things some days.