Cold Sores


New Member
One of the kids has a cold sore, maybe picked up from school. We have put Abreva on it and it's starting to heal, slowly. Is there anything else to do to speed up the healing of a cold sore?


New Member
I have heard that using wet tea bags to press against cold sores does something. I still think that Abreva is the way to go. I know it's expensive but it works really well if you put some on the sore before it is really there.


New Member
I have never had one but I've heard that you should not lick them. So keep it dry and it might heal faster. I would keep putting the medicine on it too.


New Member
The fastest way I have found is to dry them out. I use q-tips and hydrogen peroxide on mine several times a day. This seems to make the heal a little quicker.


New Member
From what I understand, cold sores are caused by a virus of some sort. Once a person gets the virus, it stays in their system for life. Stress aggravates a cold sore.


New Member
I usually only get them when I have had a fever, but I have gotten them my whole life. I use a cream on them I think it is called Zicam, and it dries them out pretty quick.


New Member
Yes, once you have cold sores you can always get them. I get them occasionally when I am sick or if I have a pimple that I popped near my lip. I have been getting them since I was a kid and I understand how terrible they are!