Conflict with the wife


New Member
My wife and I are having a bit of a conflict when it comes to nutrition of our children. She doesn't really want them to eat candy and sweets hardly ever, and I'm of the opinion of let them be kids. I don't want sweets to be their diet or anything, but I think they should be allowed to have some. We can't protect them forever. Have you ever had any disagreements about this kind of thing?


New Member
There really isn't disagreement in our house. We allow sweets occasionally because it's nice for a treat and some of those simple things add to the enjoyment of life. I tend to agree with you that kids should be kids.


New Member
Having some is not an issue but for kids with an addictive personality and parents who get very lax (or cave quick) it could be an issue later on in life. Best bet, keep the tooth brush handy and stress the importance of moderation.


New Member
I see what you're saying Kost. I don't want them to get addicted, but I want them to enjoy things like that as I did when I grew up too. I'm not a pushover for them getting what they want, but sometimes I do let them get things they probably shouldn't have. I have a soft spot for my kids.


New Member
I think occasionally & in moderation are key for many things. Look at how most people eat now, you never think about it when you are eating but I bet if most of us sat down next to someone gorging themselves during a lunch break we would pay more attention to what we eat ourselves.


New Member
I have a terrible sweet tooth and I really wish my parents had discouraged us more from eating candy and such. "Candy" is not a good habit to have.