Could I stay home?


New Member
I'm not planning on doing this or anything, but I always wonder if I could handle staying home with the kids. I know people who work from home and while that sounds great, I don't see how they can juggle working and taking care of the kids at the same time. I guess when they're at school it would be alright but I think there would still be too many distractions since I'd be home.


New Member
I don't see how people can possibly work at home. I get it when someone is injured or have some serious reason for needing to do it but I'm the same as you there. I would go crazy staying home all the time!


New Member
People who manage to work out of their home have to be focused and organized. Add kids into the mix and I can't imagine how they do it. I like the idea but know the reality would be a disaster, in my case at least.


New Member
I do it. The day gets divided up into various time slots. Some of those time slots are dedicated to keeping the kids and household on track, and some are dedicated to doing work. It's no big deal, really.


New Member
A buddy I know through a friend is a stay at home dad and he loves it. Of course he still hates changing diapers but he prefers to work at home part time to help out and his family does just fine. I see nothing wrong with it personally.


New Member
As I was growing up, I only ever saw women who were the stay at home person. They made it look easy, but you really have to maintain awareness on a lot of levels to do it well.