

New Member
I am watching my nephew for the week for my sister. I have had him since 7am and he has done nothing but cry unless i am holding him. With 2 other children this is impossible. I know that I have been told let them cry it out but I have had him in a crib for an hour and he hasn't stopped. I fed and changed him right before I put him down. What else can I be doing as this will be a vary long week if I can't get him to stop crying?


New Member
I hope everything went okay for you Jessica while watching your little nephew. In my experience, sometimes kids can get really clingy. It could also be that he is in an unfamiliar place. Best of luck!


New Member
Usually this happens when parents spoil their babies from the beginning. The baby should learn that cry is not a mean for getting what you want. If the baby used to holding than your week will surely be long because one week isn't enough to break a habit.

Jerry F

New Member
It's a dilemma certainly. I would let him just cry himself to sleep if you have checked him and everything is OK. Have you tired feeding and all of the normal things?


New Member
Sounds to me like someone holds their baby a bit too much, and it has taught the child that crying is how they get their attention. Sadly, there's not too much you can do in such a short period of time. So many parents do this and it's really sad.


New Member
Wow that is rough! My son was a colic and unhappy baby so I know what you are going through! Hopefully you put him down and he went to sleep eventually. They say that you can't spoil a child before they are 6 months but I tend to not agree with that. They know you will hold them if they cry when being held all the time!


New Member
My daughter was a colicky baby and it was rough. I tell you though, one thing that really helped was for me to take off my shirt and to take everything off of her except for her diaper and let her lie chest to chest with me. For some reason it would make her go to sleep and she would sleep for hours.:)