'Daddy, where do children come from?'


New Member
Has this question ever popped up in the middle of nowhere while with your kid(s)? What would be your perfect answer or what would quickly pop into your head?


New Member
There is no one perfect answer. The answer to that depends on how old the child is. I always try to be honest but also only cover what is appropriate for the age. I do not want to scare them for life or make them think it is bad. But I do not want to tell them too much too soon.


New Member
My son has actually just figured it out, the easy part that is. He has 2 aunts and mom that are all pregnant at the same time and 2 of the 3 have had the babies this month. So he knows they come out of girls. That is all he needs to know as he is too young yet.


New Member
I just tell my kids that they come from mommy's tummy and that is all they need to know yet. When they are teens I will actually explain to them the real way it happens and what not to do when they are so young.


New Member
Like the others have said it depends on the age. If my 16 year old nephew or niece asked I would tell them a adult version, but if it were my 5 year old niece I would give an answer like Tyler gave!