Dads in delivery room


New Member
How many expectant fathers here plan to be in the delivery room when your wife gives birth? I was there, and I'm glad I was.


Staff member
I'm mixed on it. Part of me wants to, but the other part is more old fashion, and wants to be in a waiting room. Not sure why I feel that way. Guess nerves.


New Member
I know a few that want to be there and so far, only one who has passed out. Which is what the little miss still assumes will happen when its time for the little one to be born. I am still debating myself as well.


New Member
I'm not expectant anymore... a little "procedure" has taken care of that.

But I was present for both of my kids being born. Our firstborn was just the typical delivery and our second was a c-section. Now it probably makes a difference that my wife is a nurse and I am a trained first responder, so medical stuff doesn't affect me to much. Honestly, I can't describe how cutting my son's cord was a bonding experience. There was something about it that I will always remember and it made me a small part of his birth. (And I'm glad that's all the part I had to play! LOL!)

The c-section, my wife told me that I had to watch and give her the "play-by-play" of what was going on. The doc and the anesthesiologist were both impressed by the fact that I stood up and watched the entire procedure and didn't pass out. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let me cut the cord on my daughter.

I'm glad I was able to be there for both. My wife also appreciated the support. Her mom was also in the room for our firstborn, but that was it for support.


New Member
I was there!

How many expectant fathers here plan to be in the delivery room when your wife gives birth? I was there, and I'm glad I was.
I was inside the delivery room when my second kid was born. It was unforgettable. Now we have a video of our daughter as she was being cleaned up right after getting out :)

Expectant fathers, just go for it. Don't pass out! The real benefit is in telling the story to your kids when they've grown up. They would love to hear the story in your one-on-one chat.