Diet and exercise before Thanksgiving


New Member
I have found that if I really make an effort to get a grip on diet and exercise before Thanksgiving, that I gain much less weight in the winter. How are you doing with diet and exercise these days? The temptation of Halloween candy doesn't help though!


New Member
I don't really need to diet right now. I'm in great shape and I try to keep it that way. I exercise year round, not just before a holiday!


New Member
It sounds like a good plan to get a grip on any weight problems before winter adds an extra layer! I may encourage my dad to do this. Luckily I take after my mother's side of the family and can eat what I like without gaining.

the matrix

New Member
I've been doing well with my "diet" and exercise. For me, I cut down on the amount of starch I eat daily and have seen good results. I am not doing a low carb diet but I realized that my sluggishness has occurred after eating a lot of starchy foods like potatoes and pasta. I've lost about 8 pounds over the past three months without much effort.


New Member
As the days get shorter, and the temperature drops, I find that I am craving more carbs and starches. As long as I don't give in to craving, the vicious cycle doesn't start.


New Member
I am afraid I have been too lenient to and expected too little from myself, but I think I am in pretty good shape now. Well, I am a bit overweight, but I am fine with that. :)