Do People Change?


New Member
Sometimes after an ugly divorce people claim that the other person changed which is why they had to leave him/her. Do you think people change over time?


New Member
Yes people change or hide their true self which ever way you want to look at it. I have had personal experience in that and seen it first hand.


New Member
I don't believe that people change. I only feel that they set up a boundary after which they won't tolerate the environment. I do believe however that feelings can change.


New Member
You always hear stories of how married person finds someone else and falls in love. I think that TP is right, people don't change character only feelings.


New Member
We are nothing more than a product of our experiences. When experiences are harsh, or hurt us, then yes it can make us change. Often that can be in ways that we really don't want to change.


New Member
Sometimes we are carried too much with our emotions that we don't weigh the other aspects of marriage until it is there already. I believe that people stay the same but the thing is we think that we change the person into a better one after marriage and that is the main problem.

Jerry F

New Member
I believe we change. Just think of it this way. When you were young, what were your favorite foods and favorite things to do? Have they changed? Are you more family oriented now than you were when your kids were born. I think I've changed quite a bit but my wife has changed with me.


New Member
Yes I think people change. Relationships change, situations change, etc. Sometimes people just grow apart and get sick of each other and that would make someone change too.


New Member
I think sometimes they can be being completely honest when saying something like that. There are so many things that can change a person whether it be heath problems, job changes, or personal struggles. It's really hard to know for sure. Only the person will know for sure.


New Member
I think that expectations about lots of things that can impact a relationship often change. Some marriages weather that storm, some don't.


New Member
Yes, I believe people change. But if you are in a good relationship, both partners change together. Sometimes they just don't though so I can see living separate lives. If you have the same type of interests though and keep each other first in your lives, I believe you will always be together.