Do single dads have more time for their kids?


New Member
I think fathers, especially with the whole principle of "Being a man"

Will probably have a bit more interaction with their children.

If the father has the principle of "never letting anyone down" and "being their word"

The last person that they would neglect with that would be his children.


New Member
I would say no. If anything there is less time because you have a job for yourself and no help doing household chores. Those two things will take up the majority of your time. It's a lot easier when two partners are balancing their time spent working and time spent with kids.


New Member
I have to say no, single fathers don't have more time. I'd imagine the misconception is more down to the fact that men in general are more focused on a single task and therefore seem like they have more time to spend.


New Member
Well, if you aren't dating or anything like that then yeah a single dad would have more time for the children potentially. But the thing is being single isn't the only factor in that. You have to consider things like work schedules as well.


New Member
It just look that way because the single dad has to find the time to take care of the kids as there's no one else to do it for him. And, yes, the same would be true with single moms.