Do you have a Facebook?


New Member
Please tell me that I am not the only one that does not have a Facebook! haha. It's true...I don't have one. I am not the most technically savvy person, and I don't have one. Anyone else?


New Member
I think you are the only one that doesn't have a facebook page. Just kidding, but really there isn't much to setting it up. You don't have to post picture and stuff. It's a great way to reconnect with people and keep in touch with friends and family.


New Member
I have one. Everyone in my house has one...even my 13 year old daughter has one! It's really not that hard to make a page, and if your like'll check it once a week (maybe.)!


New Member
You're not the only one who does not have a Facebook. I don't have one, either. I am very busy with other things. Frankly, I've never seen much sense in having one.


New Member
I use Facebook, a lot in fact. I love it! It lets me keep in touch with family all around the world for free, and share our life changes and updates. I've not had a bad experience yet.


New Member
I do not have one, nor do I want one. I feel really weird about having my face and my personal stuff out there. I see more potential problems with it than benefits.


New Member
I have one but I'm very seldom on it. I do check it once in a while to check on far away family but other than that I don't like to chat there. I don't know too many people that don't have a facebook account these days. My mother even has one to keep in contact with my kids.


New Member
I have a facebook account and have connect with people I lost touch with years ago. It's cool hearing how everyone is doing. It's not that time consuming and you can put as little effort into it, and still be able to keep in touch with friends.


New Member
I do have one, my kids set it up for me. I am not on it much though! They pop on and post more than I do. They upload pics for me and put crazy things on my page!


New Member
I have a Facebook account (and a Twitter account as well) but I rarely use Facebook to post status updates or upload pictures. I am not really a social networking person.


New Member
I have a Facebook account but I don't use it that much. I don't like to share my private life with random folks. Though, it is a good and cheap way of keeping in touch with your family, relatives and friends.