Do you have any time for yourself?


New Member
When our kids were younger we barely had time for ourselves and there were two of us on the job. I think that when you are single and taking care of a child your social life pretty much goes the way of the dinosaurs, am I wrong?


New Member
Do bits and pieces count? I spread myself thin but at the same time I have many people who count on me for things, bother personal and work wise. Sometimes when people come into work they do not realize the work it took to get a company going, so every now and then if I slack I kind of feel like I could be letting someone down. I still have my down time mind you, but I hate the idea of wasting time too.


New Member
You are pretty much right. All of the stay at home parents I know have had to make more sacrifices than the couples I know. Single parents, who really take care of their kids are heroes in my mind.


New Member
I do not have a lot of personal time for myself. With 3 kids it is not always easy to find someone to sit the kids for me. Between work, the house and kids there is often no time left for things that I enjoy. At the same time, I try to make time. A person can go mad not having any personal time.


Staff member
I get plenty of time to myself. When my daughter does not come into the bathroom.

I did get a nice long walk, about 2 hours yesterday. Sadly I had on the wrong shoes for this improvised walk and have a blister the size of a half dollar on my foot now. But when I got back, I was very relaxed.