Do You Like Kid's Movies?


New Member
As an adult, I never sought out kid's movies. Now that my daughter is really into movies, I actually rather enjoy them. There are a lot of jokes that kids won't get but adults will.

Dad Brad

New Member
I can enjoy almost any kind of movie if my kids will sit there and watch it and let me enjoy the quiet time while they are occupied with it. It's worth the price of admission or the price of the rental if they'll just give me a little break.


New Member
I don't mind them the first time. It's the endless repetition that kills me. If I have to watch "Nightmare Before Christmas" one more time, I'm going to blow a gasket. Honestly, I don't mind them most of the time, but gee, time after time after time.....well, you get the picture.


New Member
Yes! I do like watching movies made for kids, with my kids. After having five children, I got used to it. I still watch other types of films with my wife, but mostly, it's Disney or Pixar movies for us.


New Member
I like some of the newer kids films that make it enjoyable for adults as well. Movies like Shrek and The Toothfairy have made it more enjoyable to watch a film as a family.


New Member
Agreed, some of the humor is directed to us adults. I do like kid movies. I have to say that I watch a lot of them. It's usually me asking the kids if they want to go. I love Shrek!


New Member
I really like some of them, but my daughter is at the age where she wants to watch the same things over and over again. All of the Shrek movies are at the top of my list for kid's movies. :)


New Member
I like the Toy Story movies. I remember when my daughter was younger that's about all she wanted to watch. She would just sit there transfixed by the whole thing for hours on end.


Staff member
Do the Holiday specials they used to play on TV count? I actually sought those out. But I will watch a childrens movie once in a while with my kids. The problem is they tend to play the same ones over and over again. While I've not watched Cars 2 from start to finish I bet I can repeat most of the lines from hearing it.


New Member
The holiday specials are a different category, I think. I always seek them out too as I love the tradition.

As for repetitive movie watching, I feel your pain! I just try to tune it out as much as I can.


New Member
I like the ones that are 3D, but I'm not real big into cartoons. My wife, on the other hand, probably enjoys them more than my son does.