Do your kids follow politics?


New Member
Our daughter watched the debate last night, so she could get extra credit in her history class. This is the first year she has been old enough to sort of understand the election process. Some of her remarks were pretty interesting. Do your kids keep up with any of the election coverage and what do they think about it?


New Member
My son is old enough to understand the election process and have an opinion about it at 16. I think it is a good idea to expose him to it so that he does end up with the apathy that most kids his age have about voting. It is important!


New Member
Yes, they sort of follow politics. It's funny because they like different people! My daughter is always telling me who she likes and why. She told me last night that she can't wait to be old enough to vote. She said I'm going to vote for who I want to! Well no kidding kiddo!


New Member
I mostly watch news, so yes, the kids are in a way, following politics through me. My oldest is 15 and we usually sit and watch political discussions or rallies on TV together. I am very vocal about my opinions and my daughter and I sometimes have a debate about the (political) issues at hand. It's great that at her age, she's aware of what these people in office are doing (and not doing) for our country and how she could make a difference about it.


New Member
We keep up with the debates as best we can and we have one adult child that hates politics all together and another that I swear one day he needs to just run for president. Oddly enough the girl that does not like it used to be on the debate team in high school.


New Member
My kids are far to young to understand anything about politics, but as they get older we will certainly encourage them to be aware of what is going on in the world around them.


New Member
Nope. My kids are too young to even know what politics are. I hope that it will be important to them in the future though.


New Member
I think watching the debates has been a real eye-opener for my daughter. Last night, she watched the debate and kept commenting on how rude it was that Joe Biden was interrupting all the time.

I think we raised her right.