Drunk's daughter drives


New Member
A 9yr old was pulled over for driving her drunken father home. What age did you teach your kids to drive? Depending on the area and the state I know some parents let them drive in a parking lot when they're 12. I don't agree with that!


Staff member
Way too young to learn. My oldest is three. But I remember sitting on the lap when i was 5 or 6 and steering.

15 you can get your permit here.


New Member
That's a pretty sad story. I know alcoholics will often go to great lengths to support their habit, but this is quite the extreme example.


New Member
Reading this kind of story makes me feel really angry. What kind of life is that girl going to have with a father who had such weak boundaries? Letting your kids drive a little in a safe environment is one thing, but this - it blows my mind.


New Member
What happened to both of them? Was the father arrested, did the kid get put in custody as well? This is a shame, yet again a parent not actually being a "parent".


New Member
The first time I drove was on a family farm when I was 12, and in a dirt field that was my family's private property (and there was adult supervision). The next time was when I was learning at 15. This is definitely inappropriate. I think that man doesn't need to have a daughter in his custody.


New Member
The guy is facing up to 15 years in prison because it's not his first offense (big surprise). The girl went to her grandmother's and as of the last article I read they're looking for the mother. Her parents are separated so one has to wonder what kind of mother would leave her daughter with that drunk.


New Member
No Way - not 9 or 12. I'm thinking 15 almost 16 and that is only on the back roads. I learned to drive when I was 12 I bet. A lot has changed since then though!