Easter festivities


New Member
It seems like the stores are getting ready for Easter already! This year it has fallen to us to plan and run a major Easter event. Any ideas for how to amuse a dozen pre-schoolers?


Staff member
Easter egg hunt? Use plastic eggs that you can stuff with small toys or change. Maybe make a pin the tail on the bunny game. Plastic egg painting,if you have enough supervision.


New Member
Perfect idea Jason - we do this every year for our family. Some eggs have change in them, some have candy, some trinkets. There are always 5 or 6 with the lucky tag that gets the child a big prize!


New Member
If you live near a sloping area you can also try egg rolling. Get the kids to color and decorate the eggs with crayons and then race/roll them down the hill. They do get a bit smashed up though, which can upset young children if they aren't warned!


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll be able to make the plastic egg treats quite easily and hide them around the house and yard. The egg rolling sounds like a good plan if the weather is fine. We have a grassy slope perfect for that.


New Member
My kids used to like doing marble art too. You need some disposable pie tins, paper plates, some kid friendly paint, and some marbles. Put the plates in the tin, have the kids pick a color and drop the marble in and have them roll it around.


Staff member
Another thing, although messy, get some spoons and some eggs. Have egg races. You hold your hand out with the spoon in it and the egg on the spoon. You cannot drop the egg during the race.

Another one, which will make more of a mess. Do an egg toss. Stand about 5 feet away from your partner. Toss the egg to them. If they catch it, take a step back. Repeat until it is not caught.


New Member
Easter egg hunts and egg races are the best! I remember doing those as a kid and they always kept me entertained for hours. What about some sort of raffle where you give away easter toys? Maybe the tickets could be $1 or something and everyone wins something.