Father must be devastated


New Member
The stories coming out of Boston today are terrible but the father of the 8 year old boy who died must be absolutely devastated. Not only did he lose his son, but his wife and daughter were gravely injured. I can't imagine being in his shoes today.


New Member
I heard about that story too. I feel so badly for that poor man; I am glad he got one last hug from his son shortly before he lost him. That's pretty cold comfort though. :(


New Member
The little girl lost a leg, or at least, the lower part of one. Last thing I heard, both she and the mother were out of danger, though, at least. What an absolutely horrible thing to happen! I can't imagine what the entire family must be going through.


New Member
The whole thing was just horrific. I can't imagine what the whole bunch are going through. This is something that happens in warring nations, not here. I'll be remembering them for a long time.


New Member
It is terrible but at least there is some sort of closure at this point. One of the suspects was killed by law enforcement and the second is in custody. What really saddens me is that at the heart of all these tragedies (Columbine, Newtown, Aurora, Boston, etc) is someone who felt excluded from the group in some way. Whether it was because they were immigrants, geeks, overweight or whatever, they all felt like they didn't matter. When will we get to the true heart of the problem?


New Member
I cannot imagine! I thought they were there to cheer on their dad but he wasn't even in the marathon. I'm not sure where he was. I did hear that the daughter and wife were out of danger. How very sad for the whole family.

I am glad that they have captured the one that was on the loose. It's a scary world.

On The Mark

New Member
My condolences go out to the family. To think that the one second it took for that bomb to go off changed the lives of so many should help us remember how fragile life is.


New Member
I only knew about the son, not the rest of the family. Has anyone noticed the increase in the conspiracy stories floating around, that the Seals were behind the attacks and it was a training exercise gone wrong?